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The Lymm Time Traveller’s Handbook  is packed with stories and pictures.   The three mile walk also contains a quiz that can only be answered by following the trail.  Back at the Centre there is even a prize for everyone who completes the challenge.  As an added bonus the book contains links to fifteen short location-specific videos that add to the time travel experience. It's great for families or for anyone interested in learning a little more Lymm while enjoying a scenic walk. 


 The Handbook is the fifth publication by local author and amateur historian Alan Williams, produced on behalf of the Centre  but is a complete break in style and content from his previous books.  

“When we looked at how to produce an interactive trail with challenges and activities our first thought was to produce an app.” explained Alan “But the more we talked to people the more we discovered that folk actually like to have something to hold onto and to dip onto. The Handbook  is also a lasting record of a great  adventure trip out.” 


 The Time Traveller’s Handbook is available at Lymm Post Office, Ruby and Harry’s on Bridgewater St and the Centre itself - Check opening hours . You can also order online CLICK HERE




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