Join our Team.
Let's be clear about one thing right away. You don't need to be an expert or history"buff" to be able to help out at the Heritage Centre. If you have some particular expertise that's great, we will certainly try and use it, but otherwise just an enthusiasm to learn about and to share Lymm's story with our many visitors is all that is needed. You will be joining a lively, friendly team of almost forty people who are involved in a huge range of activities, all to the wider benefit of the community.
Just look at the Opportunities Board below. Whichever team or group you join you will receive all the training, advice and support you need to make a success of it.
If you think you might be interested give us a call on 01925 754080 or 07540 096282 or email us at to arrange an informal, no commitment chat at the Centre. You can also click a link to a volunteer form.

Prepare the room, welcome visitors, Handle retail sales, answer queries. No specialist local history knowledge needed but it is a great way to acquire it. You will always work with one other person. Typically one afternoon per month.
January 2024 - with two new trustees recently recruited, bringing the number up to six, we probably feel we are at the optimum number for the time being, but don't let that stop you registering an interest. Subject to interview.
Take the lead in organising an activity or visit in response to a request from local schools or simply help out on the day. Experience not essential though of course we always those with some background in working with kids ... maybe your own!
If your forte is all things creative then get involved in the design and development of exhibits and also perhaps window displays. some IT skills or graphic design skills helpful but not essential
Join the team that is managing and developing The Lymm Archive. You will be trained in using Pastview's state of the art software to help us build a lasting legacy for the village.
Help us spread the word and attract new visitors. Plan and execute campaigns in particular through the use of social media. Some existing skills and experience in that area particularly welcome
There are so many stories still to be uncovered and then shared by online content, exhibits, booklets, video etc.
Online archives and family history sites are a great way into this for those who like to delve and discover.
We aim to make the Centre as attractive to families as possible. That is everything from developing simple interactive attractions, to possibly holiday activities and online interest.
Everything from the weekly task of setting up and clearing the room for hire ( it only takes ten minutes a couple of times to month ) to basic maintenance. Woodworking skills especially welcome.
Everything from display to promotion, possibly research new products, check stock control. Help us maximise return in this important part of the business.
Have you got what it takes to stand up in front of an audience and deliver a talk or lead a small group on a walking tour? We'll provide the material if you have the confidence to deliver it.
The Heritage Centre aims for professional standards in everything it does but as a small charity is run entirely by volunteers in order to remain sustainable. Your rewards would be to see the fruits of your ideas and input as well as being part of a team dedicated to telling Lymm’s story and further strengthening Lymm’s sense of community in the process. And of course, if you are in the job market, then all that experience will hopefully strengthen your CV and enable you to develop new skills and contacts. To find out more email or give us a call on 07540 096282.