Whether you are carrying out your own research or are just curious to dig a little deeper into local history RESOURCES can help you find the answers you are looking for a little quicker and also some offer extra glimpses into Lymm history using tools like flipbooks and video.
From Burdett's 1777 through the Victorian era maps chart the changes and development in the village. >>>>>
Trade Directories
A great reference point to see changing businesses and households over time.
The Lymm Archive
With thousands of searchable photographs and documents, it provides an invaluable reference.
Bringing local history to life from a 50's garden party to the visit of the Brazil team in 1960s
Family History
Tips on how to go about it as well as links to free sites to help you get started.
Includes Lymm marriage registers from 16th century and boatmen moored in Lymm in 1881 census. >>>>>