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This page is here to give you quick access to some of the huge amount of resources available on the web to help you discover more about Lymm's past.  Click on the picture icon to go straight to the site.  

For those with an interest in facts and figures this is an extraordinary site. The population information and the breakdown of people's occupations over a period of time is particularly fascinating. 

The British Library is busy digitising millions of newspaper pages. What happened in Lymm in 1776?  Just search on Lymm and filter to the year to get started. If you want to read the articles in detail you will need to pay a small subcription.

So what did happen in 1776? The regular packet boat service from Stockton Heath to Manchester via Lymm was initiated.  

Lymm History Society presents a monthly programme of talks which are detailed on the website. They also have a wide range of pamphlet publications on a broad range of subjects.   They are an excellent source of information for any detailed questions on a wide range of local history topics. 

A hidden gem this one - We all perhaps know the Lymm Village website best as a forum on current activities, trade, and events but there is a wealth of information stored just below the surface too. 


Internet Archive ... Another hidden gem !!  


A fascinating database concerning sites of archaeological interest and historic buildings in Cheshire 


A great starting point for any search that will typically lead you to other collections around the country 


A nationwide network of local archives and collections that includes 

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