1. setting up a standing order.
If you bank online you should be able to set up a standing order via your online account. Please set up an ANNUAL standing order- either for £12 (individual) or £20 couple/family). Use these details
Barclays Bank Account:Lymm Heritage Information Centre Sort Code: 20-55-41 Account No: 33512584
If you would prefer or need to do this manually please download the standing order form on this page. You will need to send/take the standing order form to your bank. If you don't have a printer to print these forms you can collect them from the Heritage Centre or we can send you hard copies. Just email us your name and address.
2. completing the membership form.
Please download and complete the membership form. The form is also your opportunity to gift aid your subscriptino whcvih will add 25% to its value to us. You can email it back to or drop it in or post itto the Centre at 1 Legh St Lymm WA13 0DA . Thank you for your support.